As part of our commitment to contributing back to society, a proportion of sales of BackupAssist is donated to charities.
We currently support children through World Vision Australia and are continually increasing our support. We take the time to do this because we feel that it is important to give back to this wonderful planet, and we encourage others to do the same.
With your ongoing support of BackupAssist, we hope to grow our support of charities and make a lasting contribution to the world. We realise this through our aim of delivering quality software to you. It's your support of BackupAssist that makes it all possible. Thank you.
I hope that the stories of these children will be an inspiration to you and encourage you to contribute to your favorite cause for the benefit of the entire world.
Linus Chang
Managing Director
Cortex I.T. Labs Pty Ltd
Cintia, Nicaragua

Cintia is 8 years old, in Grade 1 at school. She lives in a rural area with her parents. Her father is employed at a minimal salary; not enough to provide for his family. Her mother is at home caring for her family.
Her house is made of stone walls, zinc roof and an earthern floor. Cintia wants to be a nurse when she grows up.
Laila, Tanzania

Laila is 7 years old, in Class 1 at school. She lives at Goha Village in Mombo Area 315km from the Anusha town. She lives with her parents in a house made of mud walls and corrugated iron sheet roof. Her parents are subsistence farmers and own 1.5 acres of land where they sow rice and maize.
Her sponsorship has enabled classrooms to be built and the village children now have new desks and better health services.
Diegdiane, Senegal

Diegdiane is 7 years old, in Grade 1 at school. He has 8 sisters and 1 brother, and the family lives in a concession of 4 huts. Diegdiane's father is a blacksmith, and family fields surround the concession. The village people are farmers, growing millet, corn, ground nuts and beans. Diegdiane's father also breeds goats as well as making farming tools for sale at the market.
Diegdiane's diet usually consists of rice and fish for lunch, and for dinner, couscous cooked with millet flour and eaten with peanut sauce. Diegdiane's favorite dish is mafe.
Jean Marie, Rwanda

Jean is 6 years old and lives in Rwanda.
Kanchan, Sikder

Kanchan is 10 years old, in Grade 3 at school. Kanchan lives in a rural area in Bangladesh. Her father is a day laborer and does not have regular work, so it has been a constant struggle for him to provide the necessities of life for his family. Her mother is a housewife.
Yessica, M Morales Morales

Yessica M is 9 years old and does not go to school. Yessica M lives with her parents in a rural area in Guatemela. Her father is self-employed, but his earnings are hardly enough to care for his family. Her mother stays at home to care for his family.
Jamesson, Lima da Costa

Jamesson is 6 years old and does not go to school. Jamesson lives in an urban area in Brazil. His father is a day laborer and does not have regular work, so it has been a constant struggle for him to provide the necessities of life for his family. His mother is a housewife.
Sina, Mama

Sina is 9 years old and does not go to school. Sina lives in a rural area in Chad with her parents. Her father is a peasant farmer and is dependent on seasonal rain for a livelihood. Her mother is at home caring for her family.
Pongsathorn, Soyla

Pongsathorn is 12 years old, in Grade 4 at school. Pongsathorn lives with his grandmother in Thailand because his parents separated some time ago and there was nobody else to look after him. The grandmother is providing a loving home where the child can feel accepted and cared for. Unfortunately it has been a financial struggle for her to make ends meet but she has done her best.
Temesgen, Wadara

Temesgen is 7 years old and does not go to school. Temesgen lives in a rural area in Ethiopia with his parents. His father is a peasant farmer and is dependent on seasonal rain for his livelihood. His mother is at home caring for her family.
Lapu, Hamanduna

Lapu is 8 years old and does not go to school. Lapu lives in a rural area with his parents in Indonesia. Both of his parents are self-employed but their combined earnings are hardly enough to provide for their family.